This year alone, I have been called all sorts of names but the one that sticks out the most is ‘stubborn’, and the funny thing is, it is always men who say I am stubborn. I actually know I am stubborn because I know who I am so it’s not a big deal.
However, it is the reasons behind this critique that intrigues me. First of all, if I am stubborn because I will not willingly and recklessly accept everything a man tells me, then so be it.
Second of all, if I am stubborn because I know what I want and what is good for me and therefore not willing to compromise readily, then again I say, so be it.
I don’t know about you guys but I have invested many hours, reading, praying and searching for who I am. I have and is still working hard to discover myself, through identifying my strengths, weaknesses and what I can and cannot tolerate. So please tell me why I should be bothered by a man’s (correct) judgment of me.
I will not lie, I have always let what people think of me affect me but through my journey, I have discovered ME and accepted what I’m worth (good and bad).
A man who loves you and respects you and therefore wants to BE with you should be someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are. This man should also believe in your future.
So to put it simply, I really don’t need you in my life if you are not willing to help me be a better person. I simply will not allow anyone who is not willing to accept me for who I am into my life and neither should you.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is about time we STOP compromising ourselves and our futures for the sake of fake feelings and forced affections that don’t last.
Spend time with you; discover who you are before allowing others to know you. If you don’t know who you are, people will deceive you and you will spend your life accepting the lies that people tell you.
If you know who you are and what you’re worth, no one can tell you, you are what you are not. You will not dress to impress but rather dress to reflect the true you.
When you accept who you are, you will not need the approval of those around you (the opposite sex) in order to feel good about yourself.
I always say this, and I have come to live by it: TRUE CONFIDENCE NEEDS NO APPROVAL.
Trust me, as long as you know God and know who you are in Him, you need NO ONE!
Wow !!!!!!!