Friday, 25 January 2013

Confessions of a HOMO

Why is there a growing number of young women
Choosing to engage in homosexuality
And bi-sexuality in our society?

Please remember I didn’t have the resources or time to conduct a national survey or research so these findings and indeed this article is loosely factual and more common sense and opinion based.
Ok so when I got this topic to write on for a magazine article I thought how the hell will I know why young women are choosing to become or engage in bi and homo-sexual activities? I mean even the subject of ‘sex’ and talking about it is frowned upon in this part of the world (Ghana, Africa) how much more the issue of homosexuality!

Indeed I thought this would be a challenge…until I began my research…and by this I don’t mean conducting tests and doing surveys but just having a good old ‘chinwag’ (talk) with people around me and beyond.

See what is interesting in my findings is that most people I spoke with have had encounters and experiences with homosexuality, although many of them insist on not pursuing or actively engaging in the actual act. Most of these (in fact almost 96% percent of the) people I spoke with claim to have first come to know about homosexuality in ‘boarding school’.  I have never been to boarding school in my life but from these testimonials, attending an all boys or female boarding and at an age where your sexual curiosity is just starting to sprout played a huge part in their experiences.

“…it was valentines and a girl wrote me a letter telling me she loved me and I should meet her behind the canteen after dinner, so I did. I was excited to also have presents to show off. When I got there she explained that she loves me and wants me to be her girlfriend...this led to my first sexual experience…” Beatrice, 28yrs

A lot of the stories I heard pretty much sounded the same and yes its true most of these young women and men are now heterosexual and have partners of the opposite sex however the topic we are discussing today is why a lot of our generation are choosing to engage in homosexuality or becoming bi-sexual.

More specifically, why are women in our society choosing to sleep with women and carry on the pretence of a heterosexual relationship?
Well there is no right answer but in my opinion the words GREED and CONFUSED comes to mind.

I say GREED because most women (and people in general) these days have embraced this new found liberation and gender equality ‘hoohaa’ and are running wild with it. In their heads the saying ‘what men can do, women can do better’ means in EVERYTHING including sex. I disagree and beg to differ. A lot of you with ‘open minds’ will argue and say it’s a personal choice whom one chooses to sleep with and that is true…to an extent. I say this because if this was entirely true, we will not look down on or find humans sleeping with animals appalling and disagreeable.

“…when I turned 21yrs, my boyfriend at the time was older and he persuaded me to do a threesome with another girl…to my surprise, I enjoyed it and ever since then I enjoy being with women. I mean I am not gay but I enjoy sleeping with girls like when I’m lonely or something…a lot of my friends do it so it’s easy for me to do it when I feel like it…No, my current boyfriend doesn’t know that I do it but maybe when we fight or when he travels I stay at my friends how and we have fun…” Constance, 24yrs

I say CONFUSED because a lot of the women who are choosing to either engage in homosexuality or bisexuality (in this part of the world) are mostly bitter and don’t know how to deal with their bad experiences with men or in most cases process the hurt and anger they’ve experienced.

I don’t disagree that this topic goes in deeper and further but I am not a psychologist I am a writer and from recent trends in society and listening to people talk, a lot of these young women are generally just fed up of men taking the piss and toiling with their hearts and generally JUST curious and bored. A lot of these young women have been sexually abused from childhood or have just been sexually active from an early age so by the time they’re in their 20s, they have experienced being with a man and now are ready to try new things.
However, the confusion comes in when they think that sleeping with another woman is the answer. I’m a woman and I cannot stand women! I have very few female friends because the ‘WAHALA DON PLENTY FOR ME’ (too much drama for me)!

In my opinion, although many of us, if not all, have encountered or experienced homosexuality, the growing number of you young women choosing to hide behind it by ways of safe guarding your heart and feelings is rapidly growing and quite frankly it is sad and pathetic.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had my heart broken and wondered why I even bother with men! And to tell you the truth, a lot of women and people think I’m Gay or Bi-sexual, I don’t mind, I just laugh and correct them.

In today’s society, there are many young; self sufficient, financially independent and well to do women who basically DO NOT need the security that man have been known to provide for women anymore. For this reason, when we are hurt and disappointed, so many of us wonder why we even bother putting ourselves through the lies and the cheating!
Whiles this is understandable, I don’t see how sleeping with another woman is the answer because they can hurt you too, they are human.

I cannot judge anyone but I am entitled to my personal opinion. This issue is becoming a problem in our society and as Africans with upstanding morals, traditions and rich cultures, it is important that we discuss it and deal with it instead of shying away from it and leaving it to affect and infect our current and upcoming generation who are the future.

And men…it would help if you treated us right so we will enjoy womanhood in all its glory.

                                                            TO BE CONTINUED...

Please share your views with me by leaving a comment below.

Till next time, Keep it Thicck!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, most people engaged in gay activities today started from secondary school. This to me, means that they are entangled victims (they might not know or admit this though). Other people are in it 'cause they are just being adventurous, while others are just living out their independence and open-mindedness (the height of falsehood). Yet, for me, it will be impossible to understand why one would prefer to look at or imagine that the person lying on top of him/her and having sex with him/her is of the opposite sex, while in reality and clearly, that person is of same sex. There is more to this situation than meets the eye... Much more.
    Nice piece Thicck. Will be standing by for the sequel. Best wishes
