Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Too sexy for Christianity?

I am sick and tired of so called Christian women using Christianity as an excuse not to take pride in their personal appearance.
No where in the bible does it say That looking after your hair and dressing nice and trendy or wearing make-up makes you a heathen or sinner or does it? 

Ladies, we must take pride in ourselves (not at all costs) but at least look presentable and womanly.
I mean a little blusher or trim around the eyebrows will not send you to hell I can guarantee. 

Of course looking good does not mean putting your goodies up on display or masking and burying your face in make but a little mascara will not hurt either. 
I get it you wanna stay pure and holy but please invest in a cleanser and face scrub to keep your pours clean n clear.
No one is going to judge you. Embrace your womanhood and take pride in it.

Don't do it for attention or likes on Facebook and Instagram,  do it because you love you!

Till next time....lets keep it Thicck

P.s you can email me at: thicckmadamme@gmail.com

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