Monday, 29 August 2011

Too British for Ghana?

BOY! was today an eventful day!
I just had to blog about this because I feel it is the most ridiculous statement and prejudice I have ever encountered in my life.
So I went to an interview today, and to say it went badly would be an understatement.

First of all this interview was arranged an hour before I left my house, so between  picking an appropriate outfit and finding a taxi to leave my estate, let’s just say, I was running effectively late.

For the sake of long explanations let’s just call him my ‘boss man’ for now, but by the time I got to the interview, I knew things were going to go south for me.
So I got settled, and we proceeded with the interview. Boss man asked his brother to join in the interview as he was too busy.

So as the interview was going on, Boss man interrupts and asks to give me an advice, and of course I agreed.
To be honest, I thought he was going to comment on my tongue piercing, my being late or even my nails (because they are looking hideous at the moment)

But to my surprise, boss man says :
‘WHY DO YOU SPEAK SO British?  You don’t have to speak so British because in the co-operate climate in Ghana, it is not advisable…!’

Ok so here is the thing, everyone that knows me or has ever heard me speak will testify that I am NOT ‘cockney’ neither do I sound ‘too British’…! So like you would imagine, this hit me like a slap across the face! I would have thought that I spoke very clearly and yes I will argue that I am very well spoken.

However, because it was interview setting and he was (at the time) still a potential boss, all I could say was that ‘THANK YOU VERY MUCH, I WILL TAKE YOUR POINTS INTO CONSIDERATION AND WORK ON IT’.

But now I ask myself, am I going to speak ‘pigeon’ in my next interview just to prove that I am Ghanaian?
So there you have it…for the first (and hopefully last time in my life) I HAVE FALLEN VICTIM TO SOCIAL PREJUDICE!

Sunday, 28 August 2011

How High?

‘There’s nothing wrong with having standards, as long as you don’t impose it on anybody’
What does this mean exactly?

Ok, what is the point of having standards if you're going to settle?
I get that you can’t impose things on other people but what if you find the right partner but they don’t meet you standards or vice versa?

Lately, I’ve been trying to date and to be honest, I have to admit defeat because I am having the worst time or luck if you’re superstitious. I have met about four men who have all pointed out the same flaw, or strength (depends how you view it I guess).

They all say ‘I am too controlling’ and that I like things my own way. Maybe I should be offended by this statement but I am not. If I was offended, that would mean that I do not know myself. This may be due to the fact that I am the last born and up until I was ten years old, I was spoilt rotten by my father, or the fact that I pretty much grew up with parents and practically brought myself up without much supervision, (although my foster parents tried). But in all views I know I’m controlling and like to be in control.

The question now is, is this wrong?
Why should I meet a guy and just accept everything he has to say without expressing my views too?
Most of the time it is not my intention to impose my standards however, why should I settle for your standards if I don’t believe they compliment mine or even relate.

For example, I met a guy who says he is in love with me and wants to have children with me. According to him, we should get pregnant before even thinking of walking down the aisle.  Now my response to that is a very cool, clear and resounding ‘H E L L N O’.

First of all, I have more than ten siblings and all were married before having kids so excuse me for wanting to follow that trend.

Secondly, I know better than to accept words of a man blindly. See to me when I hear those words, it translates in my ear as ‘I WANT TO FUCK YOU BARE’…!
Call me skeptical (and I am) but if disagreeing to this makes me controlling then I ask, what is the problem here again?

I accept that being in a relationship requires sacrifice and compromise and I am ready to do that when I get there but I HATE MEN THAT THINK THEY ARE SMART AND CAN OUT SMART YOU WITH LIES AND MAKE BELIEVE STORIES.

In conclusion, while it is not my sole intention to impose my standard on other people, I believe if I am willing to take your standards into consideration, you should too…Damn it…!

Friday, 26 August 2011

I Remember…I Remember…I Remember…

You know I remember the day I heard the news of Aaliyah’s death, it was just a normal day like anyother, I wasn’t doing anything special. I was 13years old at the time and she was 22years old.
I remember I was in Maths class when I heard about the Twin Towers being crashed into by terrorists.
I remember, exactly what I was wearing when I heard the news of my friends Victor and Bukki’s deaths.
I remember what I was eating when I heard about the untimely murder of Bob, a school mate.
I remember the beat of my heart when I answered the phone call that announced the death of my uncle.
I remember the distinct smell and sensations I felt when I was told of my Father’s death.
I remember the PAIN, the NUMBNESS, the UNCERTAINTY, the ANGER, the ANXIETY, the FEAR.

But now I ask myself: HAVE I REMEMBERED TO LIVE?

Friday, 12 August 2011

Storm over Paradise

Hi Thicckens! i didn't want to say anything but it with me it is inevitable. Just this week my girlfriend shares the most amazing news i have heard in ages...SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND!
I am so happy for her because i know what my dear friend has endured...and it made me ask my self...
why have I still locked my heart to the possibility of entering into another relationship and therefore choosing STORM OVER PARADISE!